Wednesday, May 7, 2008 Y 2:05 AM Hello! Once again, I'm updating for your majesty. Hahaha! Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Cos' YOU'RE OLD :D Yepyep, I hope you get lotsa presents, and grow in wisdom :D & that you'll love your 14th year of living :D AHPPY BIRTHAY :D love, Hannah (:
Friday, March 28, 2008 Y 7:28 AM Oh, I didn't know you had a gazillion blogs -.- Anyways! I'm here to help you updateeeeeeee (: Ooh-La-La! Hmm... I'm a spasticated, retarded, weirded, laughing maniac who has no reason of logic at all. - Sarah! Heeheeheeeheeheee. Well, I'm totally physced about the cmc church camp! Aren't you? After that, you'd have another burst balloon! You're stupid ____ won't reply me! Well, I guess thats it. I've gotta mug tomorrow! Hmm, I guess thats all! Byebye love! -Hannah (: Thursday, February 28, 2008 Y 1:17 AM hello:D sorry for not blogging for ages, hahas ok was really busy and did loads of thinking about some stuff yeah(: I just realised i love sappy and meaning ful lyrics hahas not that i'm in love of stuff but its like so cool! hahas ok, i feel wierd, though yeah. Ok passed all subjects except silly MT, i have never passed MT in secondary school, except letter writting because its super eay to justt get a passing grade, yeah even glen beat me in mt i was like ohhhmyygooshhh): Ok i didn't really study for this terms ct's i admit but this few days have me stawesommmeee, i love rainy days, and it rainned this week so i kindda skipped band, badd me even though impressions were coming but yeah, i have to give an excuse lols, yeah but i had loads of homework but the rainy day made everything seem ok(: God has been everpresent, jaw dropping awesome like what rulin said as her msn pm hahas, ok yeah see yah got to go:D ![]() I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots And the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick — It even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh — Even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you're not around. And the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. Thursday, February 7, 2008 Y 12:49 AM sorry, i haven't been blogging! I have been seriously busy)): I just figured i have been growing fatter lately, and i have black spots)): so sad! I don't feel like blogging, because i'm watching this show that is super awesome! lol, i want to go to switchfoot nehh! Ok blog later)(: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Y 2:53 AM sorry for not updating nehhh): Hahas, kindaa buzsy this week, yeah! Ok, shall update later(: ![]() GOOOOOODDD EVENINGG:DDDDDDDDDDDDD Sunday, January 13, 2008 Y 10:35 PM hahas my dog eats everythinggggg(: Shes superrdupperupper cute and adorable, they mean the same thing yeah. Have not updated for two days, loads of stuff happened. Ok saturday was kind of a bad day, because i was held up in tuition, lol and then i couldn't meet my friends to talk and stuff because they had to go at twelve): So i was rather pissed but i'm over it! Yeah, sunday was a good day hahas, no lahh it was pretty alrighttt, hahas michelle came over and we were all high and retarded(: We were cutting this sock being all creative and stuff but it looked horrible hahas, but michelle brought it home. oh yahh church was fun, we had cg and jose must be so deprived yesterday. Noticed that loads of people like green, cooolio! Yeah, michelle was soposed to come to church but she couldn't make it though but the sermon was pretty funny and good. We watched the simpsons part of it, i sound like i'm only interested in that rightt. Hahas, you're wrong!>:) Pastor Chris told us about how we worship god and why we do with his 3 pointers yeah, so thats pretty much all that happened on sunday(: Today was also a good day hahas, we had all the fun subjects, but i was pretty much falling asleep in lit, the teacher was like so drama, like he would say " you must understand emily and listen to her feelings and understand the symbols" hahas yeah now i'm home and my dad is bugging me to get off the computer>:( hahas ok see yahhhhhh Friday, January 11, 2008 Y 1:38 AM hahas, today was fun(: Not the school part but the cca selection for secondary ones. It was super funny because lots of people were walking around asking secondarys ones to join their cca. So we went down then suddely they were like playing the drums really loud and then saying the one band one sound thing, hahas so fun;D Then after a while they stopped walking round and round the school playing the drums, so some secones came up to play the drums and other intruments. Then we had to clear up and go back to the band room. But like when i went back to band room my feet were like super sore. But it was reallydollyolly fun. yeah, and 55 secones signed up for band, so cool(: Going to bath soon(: My feet stink hahas. Tomorrow there isn't school, but i have tuition in the morning so cant sleep in): seeyah |
blogger(: loves spasta, gummies, cookies and chocolates friends, family and god;D I'm god's wonderful creation I'm spastic/hyper/retarded:X But my friends love me and are there for me always(: She loves the colour orange and green(: And the number 7! TALK(: LINKS(: jean(: soph(: donna(: peiyi(: band(: hannah(: jose(: barbara(: huimin(: xinying(: nathanael(: into the past:X %u2605January 2008 %u2605February 2008 %u2605March 2008 %u2605May 2008 XOXO basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |